Tuesday, July 6, 2010

'Breaking Dawn' Screenwriter Says Sex Scenes Will Be "Way Hot"

The movie adaptation of Twilight sequel Breaking Dawn may or may not contain the book's infamous birth scene, but screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg promises that the final Twilight installment will have one thing: Lots of sexy sex for its sexy stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to get sexy to.

Describing a Breaking Dawn sex scene between Pattinson's Edward Cullen and Stewart's Bella Swan as "way hot," Rosenberg vows,

“Breaking Dawn will be sexier [than its predecessors.] I think we can get awfully sexy with a PG-13, I’m not worried about the rating. I know a lot of fans are like, ‘We have to go R to do it justice,’ but I don’t think so. I think it’s going to be pretty hot. Way hot!”

Better wear your sunscreen to the theaters, Twi-hards.

Do you agree with Rosenberg that Breaking Dawn can be done justice with a PG-13 rating, or would you prefer an R-rated version?



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