Saturday, May 8, 2010

Newest Eclipse Trailer to Show in Theaters this Weekend!

In case you were wondering when and where you might be able to see the latest The Twilight Saga: Eclipse trailer (released last week) in theaters, here's the information you need:

The newest Eclipse trailer will run, according to a recent update from the official Twilight website, this Sunday in theaters with Letters To Juliet.

Letters To Juliet is another film by Twilight film studio Summit Entertainment, so it should come as no surprise that the studio would choose to run the Eclipse trailer with it.

The same was done for the first Eclipse trailer and Summit's Remember Me, and a trailer for The Twilight Saga: New Moon ran alongside their film Bandslam last year.

So, in case you're wanting to check out the trailer on the big screen, now you know how to find it.

So basically, we've already seen this trailer, but if you want to see it on the big screen, it'll be showing before "Letters to Juliet" this Sunday.


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